Venue opening times found here.
Venue opening time found here.
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Points can take up to 30 minutes to appear in your account (especially if collecting them from an HK ON THE ROAD outlet).
Logging out and in again often helps to refresh your points balance sooner.
If after 30 minutes your points still haven't been added to your account, please email a picture of your receipt to and we will see if we can find them. However, please remember that if you forgot to get your card scanned at time of purchase/check out, that this does not count as missing points and your receipt will tell us whether your card was scanned or not at checkout.
See the next question on forgetting to use your loyalty card.
No, unfortunately points can only be awarded at the time of purchase. Even if you have a receipt to prove a past purchase, points cannot be added on to your account, sorry.
You don't have to enter any of your personal or card information. However, if you do enter it then it can make things easier and you may even get the odd gift.
For example:
You don't have to have notications turned on. BUT if they're off then you will not be notified of any special offers, giveaways, special events, etc..
Be assured that we will not bomard you with notifications (no one wants that) and we will aim to only issue you with one meaningful notification a week.
Points can be collected and spent at Harbour Kitchen (PO31 7AX), at Compass Bar (PO31 7RZ), or at HK ON THE ROAD (at any public event).
No, points can only be redemmed in store against a purchase. Points are given a 'cash' value in our App to make it easy for you to see their monetary value. The only exception is you can gift your points to charity (see next qyestion).
Yes, we will allow for you to gift your points to a registered charity. The only conditions are that the charity has to be able to issue a gift receipt for the money being gifted, and we will handle the gift transaction on your behalf.
Points cannot gifted to other users or accounts.
Unfortunately points can only be award to one person at point of payment.
3 points are given for every whole £1 spent with us. The only exception to this is when we have a promotion going on where points may be awarded differently.
When redeeming points, whatever points are in your points 'wallet' will all get used. We cannot use part of your points unless of course the purchase transaction value is less than your points in your wallet.
Points are valid for as long as your account remains active. If your account is not logged in to (via the app or a web browser) for a period of 12 months or more, then all points will be lost and your account closed.
You don't have to use our App, but the App will make everything easier for you, especially when wanting to collect and use your points. The App will also give you other benefits that you will not get if accessing your portal via a web browser.
Buying a gift voucher for a friend is brilliant! Not only will you get points at the time of purchasing the gift voucher, the person redeeming the gift voucher will also get points! We won't even mind if you buy yourself a gift voucher to get yourself double points! Gift vouchers can be purchased via the App or any of our websites, and sent to an email address of your choosing (yours or a friends). Traditional paper vouchers can also be purchased instore, but please note that instore vouchers cannot be emailed only printed.
In a nutshell, your data is handled in a secure environment managed by our POS provider and in accordance to all current UK laws. It is not and never will be shared or sold with any other third party. If you have further questions surrounding our data and how it is stored, please contact our POS provider directly on their email
Whilst every effort will be made to ensure this scheme continues: we reserve the right to amend the terms above or cancel this service in its entirity without notice.
Not a problem, just send an email to from the email account you have registered with us and we'll make this happen. All your data linked to your account will be deleted and please note that nothing will be recoverable once deleted.